All Waste Water Evaporators regardless of types and models operate on the same working principle whereby the majority of it uses steam that passes through a series of exchanger tubes in order to heat up the solution. There are various types and generally each and every unit is classified according to the way on how the waste water is being converted to vapor form.

- The Boiling Type: Evaporator models based on this working concept heats up the water until it reaches boiling point and then evaporates it off by applying an external heat source.
- The Flash Type: These are the evaporators that superheat water by using external heat source that immediately flash the solution into vapor form.
- Compression Type: Waste water unit that adds energy to the vapor by means of compression and returns it to the evaporator body to be again used as the final heat source for boiling.
Take for example a typical unit introduced long ago by a pioneering company. The evaporator is known as the submerged tube boiling type (as mentioned in class 1 above) and basically steam that comes from external source enters the tubular heating element. As it passes through, the steam will boil up the water and the resulting vapor will be taken out from the shell. The heating element consists of a bundle of tubing that form different configurations. For better understanding, take a look at the common design of a typical model.
A boiling type evaporator is usually designed to handle waste water load with less than 1 ppm dissolved solids. As more waste water amount is fed into the system, the entrained waste material will eventually build up and decrease the efficiency and lower the quality of treated discharge. This problem is usually solved by using vapor purifier devices that trap entrained boiled off droplets. This is particularly important because as in most treatment systems, the aim is to produce quality distillate safe for discharge. Sometimes, in addition to the normal setup, bubble cap purifiers can be introduced to the waste water evaporators to make it more efficient.
A boiling type evaporator is usually designed to handle waste water load with less than 1 ppm dissolved solids. As more waste water amount is fed into the system, the entrained waste material will eventually build up and decrease the efficiency and lower the quality of treated discharge. This problem is usually solved by using vapor purifier devices that trap entrained boiled off droplets. This is particularly important because as in most treatment systems, the aim is to produce quality distillate safe for discharge. Sometimes, in addition to the normal setup, bubble cap purifiers can be introduced to the waste water evaporators to make it more efficient.